
Sample ID: XYZ

Sample Location: York

Bacteria / Archaea

Taxonomic Diversity

Taxonomic Diversity OTUs
Total number of taxa (OTUs) found in the sample (richness) 1375
Taxa (OTUs) unique to this sample 0
Common taxa (OTUs) across all samples tested 1375

Top 10 Phyla

Below is a pie chart which lists the most abundant phyla from your sample.

Top 5 most abundant at lower taxonomic ranks

Class Percentage Present
Bacteroidia ( phylum Bacteroidetes ) 15.80
Gammaproteobacteria ( phylum Proteobacteria ) 12.30
Verrucomicrobiae ( phylum Verrucomicrobia ) 9.45
unclassified class of phylum Acidobacteria.8 8.15
Nitrososphaeria ( phylum Thaumarchaeota ) 7.24
Order Percentage Present
Chitinophagales ( class Bacteroidia ) 7.51
Nitrososphaerales ( class Nitrososphaeria ) 7.24
unclassified order of phylum Acidobacteria ( no class classified ).17 6.52
Betaproteobacteriales ( class Gammaproteobacteria ) 6.12
Tepidisphaerales ( class Phycisphaerae ) 5.50
Family Percentage Present
Nitrososphaeraceae ( order Nitrososphaerales ) 7.24
Chitinophagaceae ( order Chitinophagales ) 6.71
unclassified family of phylum Acidobacteria ( no order classified ).19 6.52
unclassified family of order Tepidisphaerales.1 5.05
Flavobacteriaceae ( order Flavobacteriales ) 4.01
Genus Percentage Present
unclassified genus of phylum Acidobacteria ( no family classified ).22 6.52
unclassified genus of family Nitrososphaeraceae.3 5.67
unclassified genus of order Tepidisphaerales ( no family classified ).1 4.86
Flavobacterium ( family Flavobacteriaceae ) 4.01
unclassified genus of family Chitinophagaceae 3.33

Alpha Diversity

Below is a density plot, which marks where your sample appears compared to all other samples. Your sample has an alpha diversity of 9.33.


Taxonomic Diversity

Taxonomic Diversity OTUs
Total number of taxa (OTUs) found in the sample (richness) 336
Taxa (OTUs) unique to this sample 7
Common taxa (OTUs) across all samples tested 329

Top 3 Phyla

Below is a pie chart which lists the most abundant phyla from your sample.

Top 5 most abundant at lower taxonomic ranks

Class Percentage Present
Mortierellomycetes ( phylum Mortierellomycota ) 46.18
Sordariomycetes ( phylum Ascomycota ) 14.01
Tremellomycetes ( phylum Basidiomycota ) 12.24
Agaricomycetes ( phylum Basidiomycota ) 6.59
Dothideomycetes ( phylum Ascomycota ) 5.11
Order Percentage Present
Mortierellales ( class Mortierellomycetes ) 46.18
unclassified order of class Tremellomycetes 12.21
Hypocreales ( class Sordariomycetes ) 6.87
Cantharellales ( class Agaricomycetes ) 6.08
Sordariales ( class Sordariomycetes ) 5.20
Family Percentage Present
Mortierellaceae ( order Mortierellales ) 46.17
unclassified family of class Tremellomycetes ( no order classified ) 12.21
Cantharellales_fam_Incertae_sedis ( order Cantharellales ) 6.04
Herpotrichiellaceae ( order Chaetothyriales ) 4.61
unclassified family of order Hypocreales 4.19
Genus Percentage Present
Mortierella ( family Mortierellaceae ) 46.17
unclassified genus of class Tremellomycetes ( no family classified ) 12.21
Sistotrema ( family Cantharellales_fam_Incertae_sedis ) 6.04
Exophiala ( family Herpotrichiellaceae ) 4.54
unclassified genus of order Hypocreales ( no family classified ) 4.19

Alpha Diversity

Below is a density plot, which marks where your sample appears compared to all other samples. Your sample has an alpha diversity of 3.91.

Influential Soil-borne Microorganisms Identified

Genera of fungi and bacteria detected with species that are potentially detrimental


Genera of fungi and bacteria detected with species that are potentially beneficial


Please see the benchmarking report for further information on these organisms.


Below are tables featuring the metadata provided when your sample was submitted.

Soil Attributes Unit
Conventional or organic production Organic
Cropping system Arable
Soil texture Sandy Loam
Soil series X
Organic matter content (%) 5
pH of sample 7
Known micronutrient deficiencies Cu
Moisture content of sample (%) 10
Cropping System Crop1 Crop2 Crop3 Crop4
Previous 3 crops (most recent first) Wheat OSR Pea Wheat
Organic ammendments applied in previous crop X Y Z A
Pesticides applied in previous crop A B C D
Herbicides applied in previous crop A B C D
Irrigation applied in previous crop No No Yes No
Type of cultivation applied Minimum Tillage Annual Plough None Minimum Tillage
Average yield (t/ha) 8 3 5 9
Macronutrients (mg/L)
Available P 25
Available K 170
Available Mg 120
Nitrate N 30
Ammonium N 5
Total N 1000
Total S 15

Please let us know if there are any errors which you have identified with the information you have provided above.
